Social Connectivity Test

Understand your capacity for interpersonal connectiveness


Social Connectivity is the capacity to form and sustain authentic social networks. Social Connectivity is associated with appropriate, warm, and open bonding with people and social circles.

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Social Connectivity Test

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If possible try to complete it in one sitting, but more importantly try to give it your full focus as you take it, to get the most accurate results on the other side.

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How Does This Help Me?

Total Brain, a SonderMind company, offers clinically-validated, mental health assessments like this so you can stay on top of your mental well-being.


What does a high score mean?

People with high scores for Social Connectivity have strong social interaction skills and are good at forming meaningful relationships with other people. They are likely to have several key relationships that form a strong social support network around them, and this helps to maintain a high level of emotional wellbeing and resilience.


What does a low score mean?

People with low scores for Social Connectivity tend to find it more challenging to easily interact with others socially, and this may make it difficult to form new relationships with people, or in some cases to maintain current relationships. They tend to have smaller social support networks than people with higher scores, although the relationships that they have may still be as meaningful and supportive as those with larger networks.

Talk to a Therapist Who Specializes in Social Connectivity


Social connectivity, or feelings of disconnect, can manifest in many different ways. A therapist can help you understand your social personality. With SonderMind, find personalized care that’s best for you, virtually or in-person. Have an appointment within one week with an expert in social connection, use your insurance, and get support that’s proven to work.


Expert Insights about Social Connectivity

6 Tech Tips To Avoid the Facebook Funk

Does connecting on social media help? Here’s how you can avoid falling into the Facebook funk!

Overcome Mental Health Challenges To Thrive in a Post-COVID-19 Environment

COVID-19 increased risk of PTSD or reduced social connectivity from being isolated for so long.

Want To Boost Your Joy? Science Says Share It!

Learn how to use your social network to spread positivity in yourself and others.

Take Another Online Mental Health Test

Browse all of our clinically-proven tests below. These online mental health assessments help you learn about your brain capacities, shed light on your mental strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. Understanding the nature of these problems can help you determine how best to improve your overall mental health.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? With SonderMind, find personalized care with a licensed therapist who gets you and specializes in what you’re going through.

Depressive Mood Control Test Anxiety Control Test Social Connectivity Test Conscious Negativity Bias Test Focus Test Memory Test Planning Test Resilience Test Stress Control Test Emotion Awareness Test Non-Conscious Negativity Bias Test

Please note: The assessments on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, or assess any disease.

What You Need to Know About Social Connectivity


It’s often said that humans are social creatures. We thrive on our ability to find others that share our sensibilities and interests in our personal lives, but it also benefits us in our professional lives as well. Social Connectivity is essential for our emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing.

Understanding how to connect with people is a powerful capacity that can help us increase our overall happiness and fulfillment. With the ever-quickening pace of life, it has become increasingly difficult to make meaningful connections with other people—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Taking proactive steps to maintain healthy relationships is a crucial aspect of a healthy life.

Social Connectivity Is on the Rise, but Only Slightly

The Total Brain Mental Health Index shows a small bump in US workers’ capacity to nurture their social connectivity over the past year, but the overall numbers still show that there is much that can be done to improve this brain capacity. Although there was a 1% increase for Social Connectivity from February 2020 to July 2021, the highest average percentile score from that timespan was 15.8%

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