Resilience Test

Understand your capacity to recover from difficulties


Resilience is the capacity to bounce back from adversity. It’s marked by a sense of resolve and the ability to build successful stress-recovery strategies.

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Resilience Test

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If possible try to complete it in one sitting, but more importantly try to give it your full focus as you take it, to get the most accurate results on the other side.

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How Does This Help Me?

Total Brain, a SonderMind company, offers clinically-validated, mental health assessments like this so you can stay on top of your mental well-being.


What does a high score mean?

People with high scores for Resilience are good at navigating through stress and adversity and are more able to cope well and bounce back from difficult events. They tend to be skilled in coping with stress and regulating their own emotions. They are good at adapting and being able to change their thoughts and approaches when circumstances change and are more likely to be able to find a positive lesson to take away from difficult situations. They also tend to have a strong sense of positive self-belief.


What does a low score mean?

People with low scores for Resilience can find it difficult to navigate through stress and adversity. They may find it more challenging to cope during difficult events and may take longer to recover from them. They may experience more difficulty dealing with stress and regulating their emotional states. They are also less likely to adapt and change their thoughts and approaches to a problem when circumstances change.

Talk to a Therapist Who Specializes in Resilience


Being resilient and finding resilience in difficult situations can be beneficial for anyone, at any age, in any stage of life. With SonderMind, find personalized care that’s best for you, virtually or in-person. Have an appointment within one week with an expert in resilience, use your insurance, and get support that’s proven to work.


Expert Insights about Resilience

A Foolproof Way To Turn Failure Into Success – Backed by Science

We always assume to play to our strengths, but learning from our failures is equally as important.

Self-Compassion Outweighs Self-Esteem for Resilience and Empowerment

Learn why self-compassion outweighs self-esteem for resilience and empowerment.

Why Embracing, Not Resisting, Challenge Is the Secret to Resilience

Learn embracing challenges instead of resisting them is the key to resilience.

Take Another Online Mental Health Test

Browse all of our clinically-proven tests below. These online mental health assessments help you learn about your brain capacities, shed light on your mental strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. Understanding the nature of these problems can help you determine how best to improve your overall mental health.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? With SonderMind, find personalized care with a licensed therapist who gets you and specializes in what you’re going through.

Depressive Mood Control Test Anxiety Control Test Social Connectivity Test Conscious Negativity Bias Test Focus Test Memory Test Planning Test Resilience Test Stress Control Test Emotion Awareness Test Non-Conscious Negativity Bias Test

Please note: The assessments on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, or assess any disease.

What You Need to Know About Resilience


Resilience is the ability to adapt in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, or other significant sources of stress. It allows us to bounce back when something bad happens. The ability to be resilient can be affected after an emotionally distressing event or a particularly stressful period in life.

Resilience Has Not Improved Over the Past Year

It’s clear that the ”new normal” of modern life is having its impact on our mental health, especially when it comes to Resilience. The Total Brain Mental Health Index shows that there was a less than 1% improvement in people’s ability to emotionally come back from trauma or setback from February 2020 to July 2021. Total Brain’s self-care tools are designed to strengthen the ability to persevere with a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and positive thinking practices.

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