Conscious Bias Test

Understand your capacity to overemphasize negative experiences


Conscious Negativity Bias is the capacity for enhancing a mindset of positivity and not magnifying negative thoughts. It is associated with choosing the most appropriate response to negative threats.

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Conscious Negativity Bias Test

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If possible try to complete it in one sitting, but more importantly try to give it your full focus as you take it, to get the most accurate results on the other side.

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How Does This Help Me?

Total Brain, a SonderMind company, offers clinically-validated, mental health assessments like this so you can stay on top of your mental well-being.


What does a high score mean?

People who score highly for Conscious Negativity Bias tend to consciously tune in to more of the positive aspects of things around them, and also regulate their thoughts and feelings that has emphasize positive aspects. They are also more emotionally healthy and tend to have fewer periods of having low mood, stress and anxiety.


What does a low score mean?

People with a low score for Conscious Negativity Bias tend to consciously tune in to the negative aspects of a situation and concentrate on those aspects more than the positive ones. They may also go about regulating their thoughts and emotions with more of an emphasis on the negative than positive emotional aspects. They may also experience more periods of low mood, and experience higher levels of stress and anxiety.

Talk to a Therapist Who Specializes
in Conscious Negativity Bias


Seeing the glass half empty, or tending to have a pessimistic view is known as negativity bias and can be detrimental to your
happiness and well-being. With SonderMind, find personalized care that’s best for you, virtually or in-person.
Have an appointment within one week with an expert in mitigating conscious negativity bias, use your insurance, and
get support that’s proven to work.


Expert Insights about Conscious Negativity Bias

The 4 Things Most Likely Affecting Your Brain Function

Learn about the factors influencing our cognitive performance & our feelings that are affecting our lives.

Understanding the 4 Core Brain Systems

Understanding how your brain reacts under certain conditions & increase your awareness to take control of the situation.

Become a Master at Overcoming Negativity

Learn how to identify what triggers negative thoughts and turn them into positive action.

Take Another Online Mental Health Test

Browse all of our clinically-proven tests below. These online mental health assessments help you learn about your brain capacities, shed light on your mental strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any issues that may be affecting your mental well-being. Understanding the nature of these problems can help you determine how best to improve your overall mental health.

Ready to take the next step in your mental health journey? With SonderMind, find personalized care with a licensed therapist who gets you and specializes in what you’re going through.

Depressive Mood Control Test Anxiety Control Test Social Connectivity Test Conscious Negativity Bias Test Focus Test Memory Test Planning Test Resilience Test Stress Control Test Emotion Awareness Test Non-Conscious Negativity Bias Test

Please note: The assessments on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, or assess any disease.

What You Need to Know About Conscious Negativity Bias


Conscious negativity bias can be understood as the tendency to see the “cup half empty” rather than the “cup half full.”It can rise in times of uncertainty and discouragement. It’s a disproportionate focus on problems rather than opportunity. It’s also highly contagious — one very negative person can disrupt an entire group or team.

Our “fight or flight” response gets activated by negative emotions, which can trigger a physical, defensive response, rather than a controlled one. Our ability to reason is thus impaired by negative emotions, and we are impelled by these emotions to address and magnify perceived threats.

Conversely, when positive emotions arise, they trigger a “reward-seeking” function that inspires mind expansion, flexible decision-making, connecting with others, and compassion.

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